🌟 Learn what role you played and how to unwind your cords, contracts and stories.
🌟 Find out what the payoffs were from holding this archetype.
🌟 Explore what has value to bring forward with you and ditch the rest.
🌟 Uncover what is holding you back.
🌟 Unlock the energy you need to draw on for the present.
🌟 Discover the action steps you can take to create more of what you desire.
🌟 Unearth what you need to embody for the future.
Join us for expansive experiences with an intuitive twist
With 3 powerful AF mentors and coaches as well as group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep while being held so you can fully explore your inner self.
If you have not worked with us before, we have a variety of superpowers. Respectively we have been called Animal Whisperer, Sound Goddess, and Fertility Godmother. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. We all have a protective mama bear energy that allows us to hold space for you as you explore how you desire to show up today.
We love to come together and share our passion for all things metaphysical and offer opportunities for creating ripples in the world around us. Our bond is deep, and we use that to create a fluid and fun experience for all.
🔮 3 Magical Perspectives so you can choose what feels in alignment for you and say goodbye to the rest.
🔮 3 Techniques for releasing what's no longer serving you to clear space.
🔮 3 Harmonized vibes of energetic guidance to move into your future self, beginning immediately.
🔮 3 Archetype presentations of Harmony, wisdom and understanding to get you started now
🔮 3 is so significant and so powerful, not to mention magical. Birth - Life - Death Cycle; Mind - Body - Soul Connection, Past - Present - Future,
This is your opportunity to fully integrate all the data, the lessons and the wisdom so you can bring that clarity forward to shape your world
All The Details:
Watch here for details on our upcoming collaborative events.

Born into the world as soul sisters many, many lifetimes ago, we come together now to collaborate as coaches, mentors, and energetic guides.
Together we share our ideas, excitement, and energy to help guide the changemakers, lightworkers, and healers who are stepping up and changing this world.
Join us on a journey of intuitive exploration, self-discovery, and unapologetic sovereignty.
We each work independently as well as collaboratively.
If you are interested in working with one of us individually, click the photos below for more details on our current offerings.
If you desire to know more about our collective ventures then be sure to register here.
Sign up here to get notified when we schedule our next event.